Love At Large FAMILY

Love At Large  FAMILY

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Our Kids

So some light reading on our kids.

Amber,(girl) aged 6-She is loud,adventurous,a bookworm and a Art fiend.
She is always so go go go and when she sets a goal she always reaches it.She is determined and proud and very emotional.She is athletic,wants to do martial arts with her dad and gymnastics or ballet.Desires to be a police women.Amber is level headed like that of a 30 year old and so involved in style and fashion it puts me to shame.She is a leader,and a good friend and listener.

Lilly(girl) aged 5-Lilly is Lilly.Once you know her that will make more sense to you then it does right now.Lilly is capable of anger and tantrums out of this universe!She is crazy,and goes through phases of who or what she is at the same rate she changes clothes.She loves music,sings like a bird and can listen to a song once and know it almost word and tune.She is fun,hilarious to the core and our most embarrassing child.Her imagination is on over load 24/7 and when she loves she loves BIG!When Lilly grows up she wants to own worms...she is still young.

Heidi(girl)aged 3-Heidi Heidi Heidi.....oh she is so sweeeeeeeeet.Truly really is my living doll.She is a dancer,a noise maker,a belly laughing silly billy that is obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake and dancing like a ballerina.
Heidi is the play pretend game inventor extraordinaire!She wears clothing that does not match and looks adorable and is and always will wear pink gumboots every day.She wears rain coats on hot days to the shops and like sparkles and glitter.She is our diva and tops that off with wanting to be a princess when she grows up.She can loose her temper like no one else and is high strung and VERY emotional.Being the youngest of our girls we still see her as our baby and she milks that for all she can.

Oliver(boy)aged 20 months-Oli is how we all know him.He is 2 June 6th and he is our only boy and youngest child.Oli is a boisterous child.He is outdoing,charming and funny.He loves attention and will even dance for it :-D
He is brave and has no fear.Seems to favor heights and has been in hospital many time due to his lack of ''watching where he is going''.
Oli is growing fast and fitting like a glove into our family.He is my worst sleeper till last month and he is ever so full of energy,and most definitely my most physically draining child of all.Having a boy is something like having an alien child for me.But I feel blessed I even get this experience.
He is a joy,a wonder and a treat.
As the saying goes ''Boys will be boys'' and mine most certainly will be.

That is it for the kids who is who etc.No more to come,but I shall update very now and then as seen fit.

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