Love At Large FAMILY

Love At Large  FAMILY

Monday 5 March 2012

Growing up,dramatics of Miss 5 and It's still Monday

So it is now only 6 hours post my blog this afternoon,and I am sitting down for the first time since I posted that blog,so 6 and a half hours ago.

School pick up is not so relaxing now that Oliver isn't sitting in his pusher.He prefers,and will scream if otherwise,to walk around with Heidi and the other kids and play.He eagerly awaits his 2 older sisters coming out of their rooms every afternoon.
After school was the usual change from uniforms,have a snack,play,tidy up do homework,then dinner bath teeth,story time and bed.
Lilly is giving us a rough time tonight.Sleep is not coming easy for her and she is just in an emotional way.Lilly is naturally emotional.She wakes pretty much every day in a bad mood.I jokingly say its because her beds against the wall so she only has one side to get up on and it must be the ''wrong side''.
 Lilly is not always like that though.Here is a wonderful happy version of Lilly,this photo taken in pre friend birthday party excitement over the weekend.She can be the happiest child,or the saddest most unhappy child.Either one can hit at any moment.
In saying that,this girl is so amazing.
She is 5,and has the most unique personality.She is a dinosaur obsessed,flower people making,tantie cracking,break dancing,drama queen!We always say she will make a great actress one day.

Lilly can make or break your day,but when she makes it,she really make it good.

And on to Oliver.This is the little guy that keeps me running on my toes,literally.This was him at school this afternoon waiting for the girls to finish.Anyone that knows him understands my excitement for many reasons in taking this photo.
Reason 1-he is standing still..following me around where I was going as instructed,no sooking or running in the other,and usually wrong direction.
Reason 2- He is wearing shoes!Oliver since the age of 12 months when we introduced him to shoes has had a strong dislike for them.This morning I placed these on his feet and told him to walk.He did.Not once did he complain or sit and rip them off as he usually does.It was a real step for him.And a relief for me.SHOES!!!!

This is me.And in my hands is my version of liquid gold.I love,love,love truly love coffee!It is a life line to me on mornings following no sleep or little sleep.And Nick just happened to come across this amazingly adorable little place called Bistro One that has the nicest coffee in town.I have had many a nice coffees over the almost 3 years we have lived here but this one took the cake.So we drove into the city to grab this before going shopping,and it was glorious.My love of coffee was made even greater by this and my love for my husband greater because we will go there for breakfast every Sunday. :-)

This passed weekend was a big one for me for many reasons.I feel sometimes like I don't have enough time in the day let alone a week to actually sit and watch each child and see changes in them.They really do change almost over night,and Saturday morning Amber was just chilling on the lounge in their play room playing Ps2 with Nick.She was so involved in her game of snowboarding that she didn't notice I was just there watching her.The other kids were doing their things quiet nicely so I got a bit lost in focusing on Amber.She then turned to me and smiled her 100 watt smile.And did this little smile sign she has taken on as her token thing.She is growing up.That is my conclusion.I sense the changes in her more then seeing them.She is just blossoming right now and I feel saddened and proud and full of love for this lovely little lady that is growing into a young lady more each day.
I see in her a girl that has so much potential and I hope we are fostering everything in the right way just for her,so she reaches that potential one day.I know as parents Nick and I both struggle with her dramatics and sometimes over board behavior,but most kids go through it....and just seeing this picture reminds me that it is really all worth it.

I definitely find it hard to believe that this little girl is my baby girl.Heidi has always been our baby girl,and now she is 3 1/2 and really coming out of her shell.She is a zany live wire and just the sweetest little soul.I am very sad she will be off to pre prep next year.Maybe because that means she is almost in school like her sisters makes it that bit harder,I don't really know,but imagining her in a uniform heading off to school seems so fat fetched a possibility yet it is really just around the corner.How will I survive?Only 1 child at home???
Photos are my way of looking back through these last 6 years and seeing all the changes our family has undergone.I am one to look back in order to help me look forward.I have no regrets now that I see we seem to be doing alright with raising these kids.They are turning out okay as we pack a bag and send each one to school.

This weekend was a big one for me emotionally.I see that my family is growing up.My babies will always be my babies,but in literal terms they are growing into young people.Its going to make for a very big change and adjustment for us.Hope your all here to help us enjoy it!

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